2011-09-18 19:45:45   来源:37度医学网   作者:  评论:0 点击:

共有 17.07 20.86 3.79    
骨骼和关节 0.55 0.55 0.00 0.00  
死亡率(每十万人) 更改 %的贡献
1991年* 2007年 绝对
所有恶性肿瘤 175.30 150.87 -24.43 -13.93  
乳腺癌 32.69 22.84 -9.85 -30.13 35.2
结直肠 20.3 14.15 -6.15 -30.30 22.0
非霍奇金淋巴瘤 6.74 5.19 -1.55 -23.00 5.5
4.01 2.57 -1.44 -35.91 5.1
子房 9.51 8.22 -1.29 -13.56 4.6
子宫颈 3.49 2.42 -1.07 -30.66 3.8
白血病 6.32 5.27 -1.05 -16.61 3.8
脑及其他神经系统 4.11 3.47 -0.64 -15.57 2.3
口腔及咽部 2.03 1.42 -0.61 -30.05 2.2
多发性骨髓瘤 3.26 2.81 -0.45 -13.80 1.6
胆囊 1.09 0.73 -0.36 -33.03 1.3
肾及肾盂 2.95 2.63 -0.32 -10.85 1.1
食道 1.81 1.58 -0.23 -12.71 0.8
0.63 0.42 -0.21 -33.33 0.8
其他减少 21.00 18.25 -2.75 -13.10 9.8
共有 119.94 91.97 -27.97 -23.32 100.0
肺和支气管 37.61 39.98 2.37 6.31  
肝及肝内胆管 2.52 3.24 0.73 28.83  
胰腺 9.28 9.37 0.09 0.97  
共有 49.40 52.59 3.19    
子宫体 4.18 4.18 0.00 0.00  

7显示,避免因为死亡率开始下降,在1991年,在男性和1992年在妇女癌症死亡的总人数。 到2007年期间,从1991/1992年的时间间隔,避免癌症死亡人数约898,000(649300在男性和女性248600)。





Tables 7 and 8 depict cancer incidence and death rates for selected cancer sites by state. Lung cancer shows by far the largest geographic variation in cancer occurrence; lung cancer incidence and death rates in men and women are 3-fold higher in Kentucky (the state with the highest rates) than in Utah (the state with the lowest rates). This variation reflects the large historical and continuing differences in smoking prevalence among states. Utah ranks lowest in adult smoking prevalence and Kentucky among the highest. In contrast, state variations in rates for other cancer sites are smaller in both absolute and proportionate terms. For cancers that can be detected by screening or other testing practices, such as those of the prostate, female breast, and colorectum, state variation in incidence rates reflects differences in the use of screening tests or detection practices in addition to differences in disease occurrence.

Table 7. Cancer Incidence Rates * by Site and State, United States, 2003-2007
国家 所有网站 乳腺癌 结直肠 Lung & Bronchus 非霍奇金淋巴瘤 前列腺 Urinary Bladder
  • *

    Per 100,000, age adjusted to the 2000 US standard population.

  • Due to the effect of large migrations of populations on this state as a result of Hurricane Katrina in September 2005, statistics exclude cases diagnosed in 2005 from July-December.

  • This state is not included in the overall US rates because its registry did not achieve high quality data standards for one or more years during 2003-2007 as determined by the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR).

  • §

    This state's registry did not submit incidence data to NAACCR for 2003-2007.

  • Source: NAACCR, 2010. Data are collected by cancer registries participating in NCI's SEER program and CDC's National Program of Cancer Registries.

Alabama 567.5 381.2 114.5 61.4 41.6 106.3 53.2 20.0 13.9 158.4 32.0 7.7
阿拉斯加州 512.0 423.5 128.6 56.8 44.3 84.2 63.5 22.1 16.7 133.4 37.5 7.8
亚利桑那 452.0 355.0 103.6 44.7 33.1 65.4 48.5 18.0 13.1 123.4 33.0 8.4
阿肯色州 565.2 386.5 111.3 57.5 41.9 110.9 60.2 22.1 15.2 161.3 33.3 8.6
加利福尼亚州 508.9 392.4 121.0 51.4 38.8 63.9 46.​​3 22.5 15.5 147.1 34.0 8.1
科罗拉多州 503.6 393.8 122.4 49.8 38.6 58.8 45.3 21.7

相关热词搜索:消除 早产 癌症

