2014-12-14 19:58:10   来源:   作者:  评论:0 点击:


This week we'll be discussing one of the more frequent complications associated with anesthesia and surgery, postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). Today, we'll focus on the physiology of the problem.
1. What is the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) and what receptors are present there?
2. Are there other centers active in the production of PONV?
3. What is the function of the emetic/vomiting center (VC)?
4. What other efferent pathways are involved in the vomiting response?
1. 什么是催吐化学感受区(CTZ)?其受体主要是什么?
2. 在PONV发生过程中是否有其他中心的活动(感受区)?
3. 呕吐中枢(VC)的功能是什么?
4. 呕吐反射中还涉及到什么别的传出通路?
[每周一问]No.5之周中问:关于PONV 参考答案



控制膈肌与腹壁肌肉的传出神经系统象其他内脏和躯体结构一样,与呕吐反射直接相关。同时,许多颅神经(V, VIII, IX, X, XII)与呕吐相关。最后,交感和副交感反射发生,导致心率与血压的典型上升。

[每周一问]No.5之周中问:关于PONV 参考答案
What is the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) and what receptors are present there?
The chemoreceptor trigger zone is an anatomic site located in the area postrema which serves as a chemosensor. Should stimulation of its many different types of receptors (listed below) occur, the CTZ signals the vomiting center. The CTZ can be activated by chemical stimuli received either through the blood or cerebral spinal fluid, as no effective blood-brain barrier exists for this area.
Interestingly, in contrast to a number of other neurophysiologic centers (such as the vomiting center) and despite the importance of the CTZ to emesis, direct electrical stimulation has not been successful in producing emesis (1).

Are there other centers active in the production of PONV?
A number of other centers may play a role in PONV. The nucleus tractus solitarius is rich in encephalins and histaminic and muscarinic cholinergic receptors. In addition, the gastrointestinal tract is known to contain several of the receptors found in the CTZ (2). Finally, a number of the visceral and somatic pathways may contribute, including the vestibular portion of the 8th cranial nerve. Of interest, since the discovery in 1882 that some deaf people were immune to seasickness (3), interest in the vestibular system has grown.

What is the function of the emetic/vomiting center (VC)?
The vomiting center, also known as the parvicellular reticular formation, is located in the lateral reticular formation deep in the medulla and coordinates afferent inputs (mostly from the CTZ) and efferent signals to the respiratory, gastrointestinal and abdominal musculature involved in the process of vomiting (4).

What other efferent pathways are involved in the vomiting response?
The efferent nervous systems controlling the diaphragm and abdominal muscles as well as other visceral and somatic structures are directly involved in the vomiting response (3). In addition, a number of craniofacial nerves (V, VIII, IX, X, XII) contribute to emesis. Finally, sympathetic and parasympathetic responses occur, accounting for the increase in heart rate and blood pressure typically witnessed.

Question Author: Lawrence Tsen, MD, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School
1. Borison HL. Area postrema: chemoreceptor circumventricular organ of the medulla oblongata. Prog Neurobiol 1989;32:351-90.
2. Bharucha AE, Camilleri M, Haydock S, et al. Effects of a serotonin 5-HT(4) receptor antagonist SB-207266 on gastrointestinal motor and sensory function in humans. Gut 2000;47(5):667-74.
3. McGoldrick KE. Postoperative nausea and vomiting. Probl Anesth 2000;12:274-86.
4. Andrews PL. Physiology of nausea and vomiting. Br J Anaesth 1992;69 (suppl): 2S-19S.



上一篇:塞拉利昂东部埃博拉病例激增 当地进入封锁状态
