第六章 消化和吸收
2011-06-08 18:16:51   来源:   作者:  评论:0 点击:

第五节 大肠内消化
(Digestion in the large intestine)
(Motility of the large intestine and defecation)
1.袋状往返运动 袋状往返运动(haustral shuttling)是空腹时多见的一种运动形式,是由环形肌无规律地收缩引起的,可使结肠袋中的内容物向两个方向作短距离的位移。
2.分节或多袋推进运动 是一个结肠袋或多个结肠袋收缩,将肠内容物向下一肠段推移的运动。
3.蠕动 是由一些稳定向前推进的收缩波组成。通常蠕动较缓慢,偶尔发生速度快。传播远的蠕动称为集团蠕动(mass peristalsis)。它常发生于进食后,一般开始于横结肠,可将一部分肠内容物迅速推送至降结肠或乙状结肠。集团蠕动多发生在进食后,当胃内食糜进入十二指肠时,刺激肠粘膜黏膜通过壁内神经丛反射引起,称为十二指肠-结肠反射(duodenno-colon reflex)。
粪便主要储存于结肠下部,平时直肠内并无粪便,粪便一旦进入直肠,可引起排便反射(defecation reflex)。其过程如下:粪便刺激直肠壁内的感受器,冲动经盆神经和腹下神经传到脊髓腰骶段的初级排便中枢,同时上传到大脑皮层,引起便意。大脑皮层可以控制排便活动,在条件允许的情况下,大脑皮层对脊髓初级排便中枢的抑制解除,这时,通过盆神经的传出冲动使降结肠、乙状结肠和直肠收缩,肛门内括约肌舒张,同时阴部神经传出冲动减少,肛门外括约肌舒张,使粪便排出体外。另外,排便时,腹肌和膈肌收缩,使腹内压增加,以促进排便过程。如果条件不允许,大脑皮层发出传出冲动,抑制脊髓排便中枢的活动,使排便受到抑制。
(The large intestine secretions)

第六节 吸收
一、 吸收部位
(Locus of absorption)
二、 小肠内主要营养物质的吸收
(Absorption of nutrition in the small intestine)
葡萄糖的吸收是逆浓度差进行的主动转运过程,其能量来自钠泵,属于继发性主动转运(图6-19)。在肠粘膜黏膜上皮细胞的刷状缘上存在着一种转运体蛋白,称作钠依赖载体(sodium dependent carrier),转运体每次可将2个Na+和1分子单糖同时转运入胞内。细胞底侧膜上的Na+泵将胞内Na+主动转运出胞,维持胞内较低的Na+浓度,从而保证转运体不断转运Na+入胞,同时为单糖的转运提供动力,使之能逆浓度差转运入胞内。进入胞内的葡萄糖以易化扩散的方式通过基底膜入血。各种单糖与转运体的亲和力不同,因此吸收速率也不同。
脂肪消化后形成甘油(glycerol)、脂肪酸(fatty acid)、甘油一酯。肠腔内的胆固醇酯经胆固醇酯酶的作用形成游离的胆固醇。脂肪消化产物中的长链脂肪酸、甘油一酯和胆固醇等不溶于水,必须与胆汁中的胆盐结合形成水溶性混合微胶粒,然后透过肠粘膜黏膜上皮细胞表面的静水层到达细胞的微绒毛。在这里,甘油一酯、脂肪酸和胆固醇又从混合微胶粒中释出,透过微绒毛的细胞膜进入粘膜黏膜细胞,而胆盐被留在肠腔内继续发挥作用。长链脂肪酸和甘油一酯进入上皮细胞后重新合成甘油三酯。胆固醇则在细胞内酯化形成胆固醇酯,二者再与细胞内生成的载脂蛋白(apolipoprotein)一起构成乳糜微粒(chylomicron),然后以出胞的方式进入细胞间隙,再进入淋巴(图6-20)。
(第一军医大学 吴中海)
All cells in the body require a supply of water, electrolytes and nutrients. These must come from food, where they are present as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, etc. These complex molecules are broken down by the process of digestion and then absorbed into the blood stream. Digestion requires the food to be acted upon by enzymes and cofactors whose activity has to be facilitated by mechanical agitation of the gut contents. Absorption is a relatively slow process that requires controlled movement of material through the absorptive section of the gut. Gastrointestinal innervation includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve. The gastrointestinal tract has a nervous system all its own called the enteric nervous system. Gastrointestinal smooth muscle is unique in that it has three types of membrane potential: resting potential, basic electrical rhythm, and action potential. There are a large number of endocrine cells secreting gut hormones in the gastrointestinal tract. These gut hormones are frequently peptides, and regulate the movements and secretions of the alimentary tract.
The stomach serves to store food, which we ingest faster then than it can be digested.It also subjects food to physical and chemical disruption by attacking with acids and enzymes, and delivers the resulting chyme to the intestines at a rate they can handle. These functions require a complex pattern of motility. There are three patterns of motility in the stomach smooth muscle: tonic contraction, receptive relaxation, and peristalsis. Gastric emptying is when the process that the gastric contents are slowly pushed into the duodenum. It is accelerated by gastric contents and gastrin, while inhibited by the enterogastric reflex and duodenal hormones. Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid (HCl), pepsins, mucus, and intrinsic factor. HCl activates pepsinogens and stimulates secretin secretion. Pepsins partially hydrolyze protein. Mucus and bicarbonate secreted by mucus cells create the "mucus - bicarbonate barrier" that protects the mucosa from the caustic action of gastric acid and pepsins. Intrinsic factor binds to and protects vitamin B12 for absorption in the terminal ileum. Gastric secretions are stimulated by acetylcholine, gastrin, and histamine. While HCl, fat, and hypertonic solutions inhibit gastric secretions in the gastrointestinal tract. Gastric juice secretion is divided into three phases: the cephalic phase, the gastric phase, and the intestinal phase. The control of the cephalic phase is neurohomoral. The secretion of the gastric phase is regulated via local reflexes of intrinsic nerves, vagal reflexes and gastrin release. The regulation of the intestinal phase is predominantly humoral factor.
The small intestine is the major site of digestion and absorption of nutrients. Patterns of motility of the small intestine are tense contraction, segmentation, and peristalsis. There are three major digestive juices in the small intestine, they are pancreatic juice, bile, and intestinal juices. The pancreatic juice, the most important digestive juice, contains the required enzymes that are essential for the digestion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The digestion of fat depends entirely on pancreatic lipase. The digestive enzymes of protein must be activated before functioning. The bicarbonate solution is secreted by the duct cells; the enzymes by the acinar cells. The secretion of pancreatic juice is regulated mainly by cholecystokinin (CCK) and secretin. The bile secreted by liver plays a vital role in the digestion and absorption of lipids. Bile is composed of bile salts, cholesterol, and lecithin. The enterohepatic bile circulation is regulated by neural and humoral factors. Among the factors that enhance bile secretion are secretin, CCK, gastrin, bile salt, and food rich in protein.
The processes of digestion yield a variety of small ions and molecules that must be absorbed, together with large quantities of water and electrolytes . Most absorption takes place in the small intestine, with some further absorption of water and ions in the large intestine. The small intestine absorbs water; electrolure such as Na+, K+, Cl-; sugars such as glucose, galactose and fructose; amino acids and dipeptides; vitamins and mineral; and fats. Absorption from the small intestine is by diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active transport, which activities are enhanced by the structure of the mucosa. Carbohydrates, proteins are absorbed actively through intestinal epithelial cells along with Na+ after being digested into simple sugar, dipeptides, tripeptides and amino acids respectively. Among the fat digestion products, glycerin is absorbed along with simple sugar. Others are absorbed with the help of bile salts and transported mainly via lymphatic system. Calcium is absorbed by diffusion into the intestinal epithelium and active transport across the basolateral membrane, and all steps in the processes are stimulated by 1,25-(OH)2-vitamin D3. Only ferrous iron is absorbed by carrier protein.

相关热词搜索:吸收 消化

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