2013-09-07 11:25:38   来源:37度医学网   作者:  评论:0 点击:

Mother-to-child transmission is the leadingcauses of hepatitis C virus infection in children, according to recent findingspublished in The Journal of Pediatrics.
“Mother-to-child transmission of HCV isdefined as transmission occurring during pregnancy or in the perinatal periodfrom the HCV-infected mother to the fetus or to the child,” according tobackground information in the study. “The exact timing and the ultimatemechanism of mother-to-child transmission of HCV infection are unknown. Amongchildren acquiring infections from the mother, only a few have been found to beHCV-RNA positive in the first days of life.”
Transmission of HCV is more likely to occur if the mothers had ahistory of IV drug use, were coinfected with HIV, and had higher liver diseaseactivity as defined by the presence of elevated aminotransferase levels. Themajor risk factors for perinatal transmission of HCV were shown to be dependenton peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) infection with HCV.
“HCV-infected maternal PBMCs can be thecarrier of the virus inside the child, serving as a Trojan horse for HCVentry,” researchers wrote. “Once inside the child, the efficiency oftransmission is dependent on the infection of newborn target cells that in turnis related to the persistence of maternal-infected cells in fetal/neonatalblood.”
However, because transmission is notcompletely understood, no effective prevention intervention is currentlyavailable.
”Perinatal transmission of HCV is a complexand almost unexplained phenomenon,” Giuseppe Infoldi, MD, of Meyer Children’s UniversityHospital of Florence, toldInfectiousDiseases in Children. “Further research and attention by cliniciansis needed in the future for the leading route of acquisition of HCV infectionin children.”






相关热词搜索:母婴 传播 儿童 HCV

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