2012-08-06 23:34:18   来源: 丁香园   作者:  评论:0 点击:

According to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health, children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience a developmental delay in frontal regions of the brain

根据一项由. National Institutes of Health进行的研究,有注意力缺陷多动障碍的孩子们的大脑额区发育迟缓

The study is published in Biological Psychiatry.

The team examined 234 children with ADHD and 231 normally developing children. Each child's brain was scanned up to four times from age 10 to 17. The team then used advanced neuroimaging technology in order to map the trajectories of surface area development at over 80,000 points across the brain.

The surface area of the cerebral cortex - the folded gray tissue that makes up the outermost part of the brain - grows during childhood. However, the researchers discovered that this process was delayed in frontal brain regions in children with ADHD.

According to the researchers, the normally developing children attained 50% peak area in the right prefrontal cortex at a mean of 12.7 years compared with 14.6 years for children with ADHD.

Dr. Phillip Shaw, a clinician studying ADHD at the National Institute of Mental Health explained: "As other components of cortical development are also delayed, this suggests there is a global delay in ADHD in brain regions important for the control of action and attention."

ational Institute of Mental Health的一名研究ADHD的临床医生Phillip Shaw博士解释说:“因为皮质区其他部位的发育延迟,预示着患ADHD的孩子们的控制行动和注意力的大脑区域全部发育延迟。

Dr. John Krystal, Editor of Biological Psychiatry, said: "These data highlight the importance of longitudinal approaches to brain structure. Seeing a lag in brain development, we now need to try to understand the causes of this developmental delay in ADHD."

神经精神病学编辑John Krystal博士说:“这些数据表明了脑部结构中纵向的链接很重要。发现脑部发育的迟缓,我们需要找出患ADHD者脑部发育迟缓的原因

Dr. Shaw explained that the study finding "guides us to search for genes that control the timing of brain development in the disorder, opening up new targets for treatment."

Further research expanding these measures into adulthood will also be vital. Such data would help determine whether or when a degree of normalization occurs, or if these delays translate into long-lasting cortical deficits.

用于扩展对成人治疗方法的的进一步研究也极为重要。这些数据会帮我们确定a degree of normalization是否发生或几时发生,或者这些延迟变成了长久的皮质缺陷。

相关热词搜索:注意力 缺陷 多动

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